The Grid Structure, a spring mash with different zones of flexibility
Entwicklung und Patentierung einer “Smart Geometry” zur Definition eines Gradientenmaterials.
Auf Basis einer Zelle nach dem Prinzip der “Solid State Kinematik” entstand eine frei dreidimensional verformbare Struktur, deren Eigenschaften über den Verlauf der Fläche variieren. Zur Anwendung im ergonomischen Bereich konzipiert, erlaubt das Gradient Grid die Ausformulierung verschiedener Komfortzonen. Der Workflow zur Erstellung der ca. 3800 Zellen setzt sich aus der Verwendung einer Pressure Map zur Ableitung der individuellen Physiognomie, einer eigens Entwickelten Java Software zur Auswertung und Berechnung der Geometrie und einem CAD/CAM System zur Finalisierung der Produktionsdaten zusammen.
Geschütztes Gebrauchsmuster, Paper: Proceedings of the Design Modelling Symposium, ISBN 9783844268454
There is increasing demand for material with a flexible zone in a non flexible flat material. Here we describe the characteristics and workflow of the Gradient Grid, a deformable structure which guaranties stability and at the same time allows for the necessary flexibility.
The structure is basically a spatial deformable spring-mesh. This patent pending mesh allows different functionalities in one unibody part. According to the need, flexible and rigid areas and their transitions can be defined.
The construction of the gradient grid structure can be driven by various inputs, for example by using a pressure map. The data are pictured as a gray scale map. Custom java software interprets the picture by reading the gray scale at certain metering points.
The result drives the computer added design (CAD) construction of the gradient grid, configuring the geometry within the construction constrains.The grid construction is made out of curved, triangled connections between points. The level of curvature of each connection defines the flexibility at this certain point. The more the connection is curved the more flexible it is. In conclusion the set up of the Gradient Grid together with the soft ware based work-flow allows a customized production in a rapid manufacturing process.